Public Company Prep and IPO Listing
We want to help you get listed while controlling costs. We offer a fixed-fee approach to getting you listed. We will help to take you from private-company to public by way of a non-offering prospectus for a flat cash fee of $99,500 CAD (or $69,500 USD) plus taxes and disbursements any legal fees that exceed this cash cap can be paid in shares of the company on listing.
Pre-IPO Preparation
- Provide guidance on becoming a public company, what to expect and how long it takes
- Assist in structuring your financing
- Review and update of minute book
- Provide disclaimers for roadshow materials and presentations (if any)
- Determine capital structure requirements and builder share compliance
- Determine escrow requirements for securities outstanding prior to the prospectus offering
- Determine if the issuer will meet the initial listing requirements (including public float requirements)
IPO Preparation
- Draft of CSE compliant stock option plan
- Assist in draft preliminary prospectus
- Work with auditors in respect of disclosure in the prospectus, consents and comfort letters
- Prepare resolutions approving the offering, committees and listing
- Assist in reviewing the MD&As included in the prospectus
- Assist with PIF preparation and review
- Assist with setting-up the transfer agent
- Apply for CUSIP/ISIN
- Remove private company restrictions
- Draft final prospectus
- Prepare treasury direction
- Create SEDAR profile and file documents
- Draft stock option plan
- SEDI user creation
- Initial early warning reports filed in respect of 10%+ holders related to the issuer
- Press releases announcing the offering an filing of material change reports
- Draft the policies required for a reporting issuer (e.g. Corporate Governance Practices, Board Mandate, Audit Committee Charter)
CSE Listing Preparaton
- Assist in drafting the Listing Application Letter (Form 1A)
- Assist in drafting the Listing Application (Form 1B)
- Assist in drafting the Listing Statement (Form 2A) – where applicable
- Assist with navigating the agent’s due diligence request list, responses and due diligence calls
- Reserve stock symbols
Non-Canadian Issuers in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Western Europe will have an additional fee.
Emerging market issuers (i.e. those outside of Canada, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Western Europe) will are excluded from the fixed fee and be charged at the hourly rate.
Prices exclude taxes, filing fees and disbursements. Certain circumstances may require the fee noted above to be increased - please inquire for details.
If our legal fee exceed $69,500 USD we can be paid the amount above the cap by way of listed shares at the lats price prior to listing. We want you to keep your cash for your business and we are happy to participate in your success as you grow!